Aodh Ruadh @ Féile Peil na nÓg 2009
Information for Players and Parents/Guardians

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Féile Peil na nÓg is a national festival of Gaelic football for boys and girls under 14 years of age. It was first held in Cavan in 1982. Each year approximately 30,000 boys and girls from each of the 32 counties and some teams from the UK, Europe and USA, participate in Féile. A preliminary competition is held in each county for the right to represent the county at the Féile finals. Aodh Ruadh's victory over Saint Eunan's in the county final means that we will be Donegal's representative this year. In order to participate in Féile we will travel to Kildare, hosts of Féile Peil na nÓg for 2009.
Féile Peil na nÓg places great emphasis and importance on proper participation, presentation, punctuality and sportsmanship. Féile involves the whole community, clubs, schools, social and cultural groups, families, civic and religious authorities. It is recognised by the GAA as a major festival of great importance for the promotion of football among the youth of our country. Féile Peil na nÓg helps to bond communities, forge friendships, provide educational opportunities and unearth new leaders.
Donegal hosted Féile Peil na nÓg in 1997 and 1998.
Féile 2009 takes place on Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of July 2009 in Kildare.
Aodh Ruadh are in section three. This section includes the following clubs from Kildare: Leixlip, Raheens, Ballykelly, Round Towers, Monasterevin, Kill, Robertstown and Sallins.
Section three also includes the county Féile winners from Carlow, Monaghan, Laois, Wicklow, North London, Fermanagh, Limerick as well as Aodh Ruadh as Donegal winners.
Each of the Kildare clubs will be hosting a visiting club. Aodh Ruadh is being hosted by Sallins. Our point of contact in Sallins is a man called Tom Cross. His mobile number is 086-2568827 and e-mail address is
As yet there is not a clear programme of events and games available, but the following is a thumbnail sketch of how the weekend will be mapped out.
Players and mentors will assemble at Father Tierney park on the morning of Friday July 3rd. The trip to Sallins is about 145 miles (230 kilometres) and takes about three and half hours according to the AA Route Planner. Our contact in Sallins reckons that the best route is to follow the N3 to Navan then take the Trim, Summerhill, Kilcock, Clane road to Sallins.
The team should get lunch somewhere en route to Kildare and arrive there sometime before 2.00pm. There is a game set for 2.45pm against Sallins.
After the game there will be grub for both teams and then its back onto the buses to travel to Newbridge for the parade. The Féile Parade leaves the County Grounds, Newbridge shortly after 6pm. Each team should carry their club banner and dress in club colours. Teams march four-a-breast with the team captain in front row on left. The team manager takes the front left of the club banner with a mentor on the other side. Other mentors parade behind the team. The parade will go down the main street in Newbridge where Uachtarán, Mary McAleese will be reviewing.
After the parade the buses return to Sallins and players are allocated to local homes for the next few nights.
Aodh Ruadh will have at least three games on Saturday with the first throwing in at 9.30am. If we qualify from our section we will progress to the semi-final stages and these are also played on Saturday.
After the day's games have been completed Sallins will be providing some sort of entertainment on Saturday evening.
Sunday is reserved for finals, so if Aodh Ruadh has qualified for a final we will be playing taking part. Otherwise, there will be a farewell ceremony or mass on the Sunday morning and we will head back to Ballyshannon afterwards. Again we will stop somewhere on the way back for lunch. Our time of arrival back in Ballyshannon depends on whether or not we qualify for a final on Sunday.
All players are required to play as per the squad number listed on the registration form returned to the Féile authories. Players were numbered as follows:
- Daniel Kelly
- Matthew Maguire
- Eamon McGrath
- Paddy Gillespie
- Darren Gethins
- Colm Kelly
- Michael McNeely
- James Kelly
- Pauric Patton
- Jamie McDonald
- David McGurrin
- Mathew Gettins
- Niall Harley
- Johnny Gethins
- John Ward
- Conor Gilmartin
- Conor McShea
- Jamie Campbell
- Dominic Boyle
- Jack Dolan
- Patrick Dixon
- Ryan Patton
- Tommy Gillespie
- Daniel McIntyre
- Philip Patton
Players, managers and mentors will be accommodated by local families. Players will be allocated to houses on Friday night. The local families will take at least two boys so there won't be a situation where there will be just one player on their own in a house. The families will also sort players out with food.
We would ask that players bring some small note of appreciation with them for the family that looked after them and present it to the family on Sunday morning.
Others intending to travel down for the weekend will have to provide their own accommodation. The website provides a list of accommodation in the locality.
View the accommodation listings
Aodh Ruadh are required to have the following information available for inspection during weekend of Féile:
- An original or photocopied birth certificate for each player.
- An individual passport size photograph of each player signed on the back. This is to be attached to their birth certificate. Some players did not sign the registration form which has been returned to the Féile authorities. These players are asked to contact John Hughes before signing the back of their photograph.
Parents/Guardians can supply the birth certificate and the signed passport photograph to the under 14 team management or post it to John Hughes, The Mullans, Ballyshannon, County Donegal. We also ask that these items are supplied as soon as possible.
This documentation is very important as all participating teams will be subject to random inspections during Féile competitions.
We estimate that funding the trip to Féile will cost in the region of €4,000 to €5,000. The following are the main costs that need to be met:
- Bus for the duration of the weekend
- Gear for the competition
- Lunch on the way there and on the way back
Naturally, there will be other sundry expenses not listed here, but these are the 'big ticket' items.
Like many groups operating in the local economy, Aodh Ruadh is finding it very difficult to get the money to meet basic day-to-day expenses, not to mention fund and implement long-term projects such as the new facilities at Pairc Aoidh Ruaidh.
With that in mind our trip to Féile has to be self-financing. Aodh Ruadh Bord na nÓg will be carrying out a number of fund raisers over the coming weeks and we ask players, parents / guardians and everyone associated to with the team to contribute and help in whatever capacity they can. The quality of the players trip to Féile depends on it. We will keep you fully informed of all fund raisers coming up.
Other financial outgoings and issues parents/guardians need to remember.
- Gift to the families accommodating our players.
- Spending money. With most costs being covered by Aodh Ruadh and Sallins, minimal spending money should be required by players. We recommend that the maximum any player should be sent with is €20.
Each participating Club is accompanied by Child Welfare Officer. Also each member of the management team accompanying the squad will have undergone Garda vetting as required by Féile regulations.
Make sure you pass on these items to a member of management or John Hughes as soon as possible.
- Original or copy of the players birth certificate
- Passport photograph signed on the back by the player
- Let us know if any player has a special diet
- Let us know if any player has any medical conditions or allergies
Féile Peil na nÓg Charter 2009
1. An Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta Féile Peil na nÓg, appointed by the Uachtarán, will have responsibility for the organization of Féile Peil na nÓg, the National competition for boys and girls at U-14 level.
2. An Coiste Stiúrtha Chontae, appointed by the Coiste Sinsear Chontae, will have the responsibility for the organization of Féile Peil na nÓg within the county. It will comprise a Cathoirleach, Leas-Chathaoirleach, Rúnaí, Public Relations Officer, Treasurer, Referee's Co-ordinator, Grounds Co-ordinator, Parade Co-ordinator, Programme Co-ordinator and Schools Visitations Co-ordinator. It shall report to the Coiste Sinsear Chontae and the Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta on a regular basis. The Cathaoirleach and Rúnaí of the Coiste Sinsear Contae, will be ex-officio members of the Coiste Stiúrtha Contae. It shall have the responsibility for providing a full review, including costings, to An Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta of Féile Peil na nÓg within a few weeks of the conclusion of Féile in the county.
3. It is the aim of Féile Peil na nÓg to promote Gaelic Football and other National Games and pastimes in a pleasant and entertaining way.
4. Féile Peil na nÓg will be organised in a number of divisions as decided by An Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta.
5. An Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta will have the power to grade teams. Its decisions as regards grading and other aspects of the competitions shall be final.
6. The initial stages of the competition are played on a league basis. The number of qualifiers from each division will be decided by An Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta.
7. Players taking part must be under 14 years of age on the first day of January of the current year. A panel shall be confined to a maximum of 24 players and three team mentors. All players must play as per their squad numbers on the Registration Form for the entire time that the team remains in the All Ireland Féile Peil Competition. A breach of this rule may mean a deduction of points or expulsion from the competition.
8. Each competing team must register with the host county Féile Rúnaí, on the official Registration form, which includes each player's name and signature, address and parents name, on or before the 5th May. Registration forms must be accompanied by a €150 cheque, team photo and the detailed club history. All registration details including a signed passport photo attached to the players Original Birth Certificate must be available for inspection on request at any venue or time during or after the All Ireland Féile Peil competition by any member of the national or local Féile Committee. Any alteration to the original registration must be made, with the necessary documentation, prior to the first game of the weekend at the nominated registration venue in the host county. Thereafter no alterations will be accepted.
9. Participations in the Féile Peil na nÓg competitions assumes proper acceptance and adherence to the Charter Rules of Féile Peil na nÓg and the G.A.A. Code of Best Practice and the Ladies Gaelic Football Association Code of Ethics and Good Practice.
10. Photographers/film/video operators wishing to record at Féile Peil na nÓg must seek permission from the Rúnaí of the Stiúrtha Náisiúnta. Permission forms will be available in advance of the weekend.
11. Games will be played on a full size pitch.
12. All games will be played on a 15-a-side basis over 15 minutes per half. An interval of five minutes will be allowed. Unlimited substitutions are allowed, only during a stoppage in play and with the permission of the referee. The only exception to this rule will be the Division 6 competition in boys which will be played on a 12-a-side basis.
13. Boy's games will be played under the rules of Gaelic Football and Girl's Football under the rules of the L.G.F.A. as modified herein. If a club has a registered boys and girls team the girl's cannot play with the boys team for the Féile Peil Competition (no exceptions and vice versa).
14. Riail 144 T.O. 2007 - Procedures (Boys)
The Féile Committee shall investigate and process matters relating to the Enforcement of Rules (including hearing Objections and Counter Objections) arising from Féile na nÓg Competitions.
The Central Hearings Committee shall adjudicate on all disciplinary matters where a Hearing is requested relating to the Enforcement of Rules arising from Féile na nÓg.
The Central Appeals Committee shall hear appeals.
Riail 143 T.O. 2007 - Infractions (Boys)
Category I Being ordered off on foot of a second Cautionable Infraction.
Category II Abusive language towards a Referee, Umpire, Linesman, or Sideline Official; Striking or attempting to strike with hurley (minimal force); Kicking or attempting to kick (minimal force); Striking or attempting to strike with arm, elbow, hand or knee; Behaving in any way which is dangerous to an opponent; Spitting at an opponent; Contributing to a melee.
Category III Striking with hurley (with force or causing injury); Attempting to strike with hurley (with force); Kicking (with force or causing injury); Attempting to Kick (with force); Stamping; Striking or attempting to strike with the head; Recklessly inflicting injury by other means; Ant type of assault on an Opposing Team Official.
Category IV Minor physical interference with (e.g. laying a hand on, pushing, pulling or jostling), threatening or abusive conduct towards, or threatening language to, a Referee, Umpire, Linesman or Sideline Official.
Category V Any type of assault on a Referee, Umpire, Linesman or Sideline Official.
Repeat Infraction
"Repeat Infraction" means a second or subsequent occurrence of any Misconduct at Games Infraction in the same Category.
Riail 146 T.O. 2007 - Suspensions (Boys)
(j) Except as provided in (k) below, Juvenile Players participating in Under 16 or younger Grade Competitions shall be subject to penalties for Misconduct at Games Infractions on the same basis as under the General Rules, except that the minimum suspension shall in each case be one-half of that applicable, and Suspension from the next Game in the Competition in question, if outside the Suspension Time Period, shall not apply.
(k) For Misconduct at Games in a National Under-Age Festival Competition (For Under 16 or younger Grade) played off in one day or over consecutive days, Time Suspensions as provided in for in (j) above shall be substituted with Suspension from playing in the next ensuing Game(s) in the Competition, with one Game Suspension for every two weeks or part thereof Time Suspension. Where the Player's Team's involvement in the Competition ends before the Game Suspension is exhausted, the remaining portion of the Suspension shall be re-substituted with two weeks for every Game.
Category I
(i) Fixed Penalty: Debarment from playing for the remainder of the game, including extra time
(ii) Fixed Penalty on Repeat Infraction: One match suspension or if Player's Team's involvement in the competition is completed - minimum one week suspension.
Category II
(i) Minimum: Next match in the competition or if Player's Team's involvement in the competition is completed - minimum two weeks.
(ii) Minimum on Repeat Infraction: Next two matches in the competition. Where the Player's Team's involvement in the Competition ends before the Games Suspension is exhausted, the remaining portion of the Suspension shall be re-substituted with two weeks for every Game.
Category III
(i) Minimum: Next two matches in the competition. Where the Player's Team's involvement in the Competition ends before the Games Suspension is exhausted, the remaining portion of the Suspension shall be re-substituted with two weeks for every Game.
(ii) Minimum on Repeat Infraction: Next four matches in the competition. Where the Player's Team's involvement in the Competition ends before the Games Suspension is exhausted, the remaining portion of the Suspension shall be re-substituted with two weeks for every Game.
Category IV
(i) Minimum: Next three matches in the competition. Where the Player's Team's involvement in the Competition ends before the Games Suspension is exhausted, the remaining portion of the Suspension shall be re-substituted with two weeks for every Game. This suspension is in all codes at all levels.
(ii) Minimum on Repeat Infraction: Next Six matches in the competition. Where the Player's Team's involvement in the Competition ends before the Games Suspension is exhausted, the remaining portion of the Suspension shall be re-substituted with two weeks for every Game. This suspension is in all codes at all levels.
Category V
(i) Minimum: Suspended for remainder of the Competition. On completion of the Féile Competition a 24 weeks suspension less 2 weeks for each game missed. The suspension is in all codes at all levels.
15. Disciplinary matters involving adults will be dealt with under the rules of An Treoraí Oifigiuil.
16. An Coiste Stiúrtha Chontae will appoint a co-ordinator at each venue who will act as a Rúnaí for the venue. In the event of a dispute, he/she will consult immediately with An Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta.
17. In the event of a dispute relating to team illegality or as a result of spot-check, the venue co-ordinator shall have the power to demand, and shall receive, the Name and Signature and Birth Certificate of the player concerned.
18. In league competition, two points will be awarded for a win and one point for a draw. The top team in each section will qualify for the semi finals. Should two teams finish level on points, the tie shall be decided by the following means and in the order specified:
i) Scoring Difference (Subtracting the total Scores Against from total Scores For)
ii) Highest Total Score For
iii) Where two teams only are involved - the outcome of the meeting of the two Teams in the previous game in the Competition.
iv) Scoring Average (divide total Score Against into total Score For) Exception: If the accumulated scores of a team, so involved, are affected by a disqualification, retirement or walk over, the tie shall be decided by a play off.
19. In the event of a draw at the knockout stages of the competition, ten minutes extra time (2 x 5) will be played. If a draw still results after extra time, an additional period of extra time will be played, the team to register the first score to be deemed the winner. For this latter period of additional time, the referee will again toss to decide which way the teams will play.
20. Size 4 (juvenile size) footballs must be used.
21. In Boy's Football all kick-outs, after a score or a wide shall be taken from the hand from within the small rectangle. In Girl's Football all kick-outs after a score or a wide shall be taken from the 13 meter line.
22. All team shall wear their official club colours. If there is a clash of colours, the home team will change. If both teams are visiting, both teams will change.
23. Team officials are not allowed to encroach on to the field of play without the permission of the referee. All teams will only be allowed 3 mentors and 1 medical officer in on the sideline of the pitch at any given time.
24. All clubs taking part in Féile Peil na nÓg must take part, with their full panel of Registered players, in the parade and also all visiting teams must stay as hosts of the home Club for the entire weekend of the All Ireland Féile Peil competition. Breach of this rule may mean expulsion from the competition and future competitions.
25. A Gaelic Football Skills Competition is part of Féile Peil na nÓg.
26. Any club participating in Féile Peil na nÓg that has fielded a team, proven to be illegally constituted shall be debarred from participation in Féile Peil na nÓg for a period of five years.
27. Objections: (Boy's Competition)
(A) An objection shall be lodged in writing, in accordance with Riail 151(a) T. O., with the Féile Official/Féile Co-ordinator at the venue not later than 30 minutes after the conclusion of the game in question.
(B) The written objection shall be heard by at least 3 members of the National Féile Disciplinary Committee.
(C) The result of the objection shall be conveyed verbally to the relevant team by the Rúnaí Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta.
(D) A counter objection shall be lodged in writing, with the Féile Official/Féile Co-ordinator, not later than 30 minutes after the verbal notification of the objection by the said Rúnaí Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta.
(E) An appeal shall be lodged in writing, with the Rúnaí Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta not later than 30 minutes after the result of the objection has been conveyed verbally to the relevant team. An appeal shall be heard by, at least two member of C.A.C. and the result shall be conveyed verbally to the relevant team by the Rúnaí Coiste Stiúrtha Náisiúnta.
Sallins is one of eight clubs which shares the distinction of playing the first matches under GAA rules. The match took place on February 15, 1885. Renovated grounds and dressing rooms were officially opened in 1994. Their most recent major honour was the 2000 Kildare and Leinster junior championshps. Currently they play intermediate football.
The map below shows the location of Sallins in Kildare.
Report Filed: 21 May 2009
Report Updated: 28 June 2009